Below you will find our returns information for consumers:
Return article
For your return to us, you can send the package with a shipping service of your choice. Our address is:
Leonardo Carbone GmbH
Gwinnerstraße 38a
60388 Frankfurt am Main
Exchange article
The article does not fit or you would like another colour?
You can simply place a new order in our online shop. To guarantee the fastest possible processing, you do not need to wait with the return, because we process the new order separately from the return. You can return the unsuitable article to us as a return. We will automatically refund the purchase amount after we have processed your return.
Has my return arrived? When will I receive a refund of the purchase amount?
As soon as we have registered your return, it will be processed and the amount refunded. The processing of your return usually takes about 2-4 working days from the time the goods arrive.
Can I return goods from different orders in one package?
Of course you can combine the goods from different orders in one return package and send it back to us.
Are there any questions left? Please contact our customer service at +49 (0) 69 42 69 66 42- we are happy to help you!